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Working with a Broker

Curious about what its like to work with a broker? At AAA we sort everything out for you, and you're involved in 3 simple steps. Once we've got all your information, we work hard to find you the best possible loan on an affordable rate, and we continually check up on your loan throughout its term to make sure you're on the best rate possible.

Step 1

First we'll have a commitment free chat about your finances and what your goals are. This can be face-to-face or over FaceTime, Skype or Zoom, we're flexible and can come to your home or your place of work! We pride ourselves on providing top-notch, personalised service, so you’ll work with one team member throughout your whole loan process and won’t be bounced around different people.

Step 2

Next comes your loan assessment and application…which is not as scary as it sounds! We’ll take a look at your assets and liabilities, and have a chat about what kind of expenses your incur every month. This gives us, as well as the lenders, a good idea of how much you can afford to pay for a loan, and what your borrowing power might be. We complete the loan assessment within one working day, and will provide you with rates and fees.

Step 3

Finally, the last step is loan settlement and aftercare. Once your loan is settled we’ll keep you up to date on anything relevant, or opportunities to refinance (obtain a better interest rate). We’ll remain your main port of call for questions you may have about your loan.

If you're curious about what we can do for you, get in touch with us today!


Contact Us

Level 1, 50 York St SYDNEY NSW 2000
Australian Credit Licence Representative 499 684

ABN: 75 633 787 998 MFAA Full Member Number 00005

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